Ways To Boost Your Mood


Do you suffer from dizziness, light-headedness, and feeling faint?

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Submit your interest to our team of specialists

The SEQUOIA Study is a clinical research study looking at an investigational drug called ampreloxetine (also known as TD-9855), for people with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), Parkinson’s Disease, or Pure Autonomic Failure (PAF).

Upon standing, some people with MSA, Parkinson’s Disease, PAF, or other conditions experience dizziness, light-headedness, feeling faint or feeling like they might black out due to a drop in blood pressure. Researchers want to learn whether ampreloxetine can reduce these symptoms and assess how safe it is.

If you suffer symptoms such as these and are 30 years of age or older you may be able to take part.
The SEQUOIA Study lasts up to 7 weeks and it is made up of:

  • 2-3 week screening period where assessments will be performed to determine your eligibility and for you to decide whether you want to take part.
  • 4 weeks of taking the study medication (either the investigational drug or placebo/dummy drug) by mouth once daily. You will also visit the study center for study assessments.
  • Upon completion of the SEQUOIA Study, you are eligible to join another related study lasting up to 22 weeks if you wish

Want to know more? Please contact Re:Cognition Health on

0800 802 1030 or fill out the form below to find out more information.

By making contact, you are under no obligation to take part.