Ways To Boost Your Mood


You have been invited to view this page following discussions with our team about the AC Immune Study being run at Re:Cognition Health.

Please ensure you have read the below document at least 24 hours before your appointment at our below address so you can ask our doctor as many questions as you need on your appointment date. Our doctor will talk you through the document and make sure you understand everything, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us on 0800 802 1030

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 3

Submit your interest to our team of specialists


ENVISION Study Information Sheets

45 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9JF

We will print these out for you on the day of your appointment so all you need to do is bring your study partner and a list of any medications you are currently taking. Please let us know if you have had any changes to your medications recently as this may mean you cannot join the trial.

Please bring your medical summary from your GP if you have one/can get one in time.