Private Adult ADHD Assessment & Treatment

Receive bespoke diagnostic assessments and treatment plans to help you manage your ADHD and optimise your mental health.

Based in the world-renowned Harley Street Medical Area, our brain and mind experts are 100% dedicated to brain development so you can get an accurate diagnosis and reliable treatment that works for you.

Call now: 020 4571 8530

Our specialist private ADHD assessment

The only way to diagnose ADHD is by completing a specialist assessment in a clinical environment. It’s important to get an early diagnosis as this can have a significant impact on the condition in later life.

The ADHD assessment lasts for approximately 1.5 hours and includes an online test, called the QbCheck, a clinical interview and the completion of a number of validated assessment scales.

What To Expect

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    Fill out a test

    The QbCheck and QbTest are the only ADHD tests that are both CE marked and FDA/TGA cleared for use as an aid in the assessment and treatment evaluation of ADHD for people aged 6 to 60 years old. They measure attention, impulsivity and motor activity and are used to support the final clinical judgement.

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    Assessment & interview

    After the test has been completed, a Consultant Psychiatrist will conduct a comprehensive clinical assessment which will review the results of any questionnaires completed prior to the appointment as well as any other relevant pieces of evidence. Most importantly, it will include an in-depth interview to learn more about your symptoms, medical history and behaviour.

Bespoke treatment options for adult ADHD

We’ll work with you to provide a bespoke treatment plan that is tailored to you. ADHD affects people differently, so your treatment should be unique to you too.

Medication can help but it is not the only treatment option available for people with ADHD. In fact, a broad range of non-pharmacological approaches exist, such as omega 3 supplements, exclusion diets, cognitive therapy, or neurofeedback. A combination of the two are found to be very successful in treating the condition in some people.

Our ADHD assessment fees

You’ll be seen quickly by our brain and mind experts for your ADHD assessment, diagnosis and treatment that is catered to you.

Book An Appointment

Symptoms of ADHD in adults

Many people experience ADHD-like symptoms. However, a diagnosis requires the symptoms to have a negative impact on your daily life. For instance, poor concentration, impulsivity, hyperactivity and risk-taking can have a negative impact on work, learning and social interactions. Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty waiting your turn
  • Fidgeting and finding it difficult to sit still during meetings
  • Blurting out answers or thoughts, like in a meeting at work
  • Being forgetful and tending to lose things, for example, constantly losing your keys
  • Easily distracted by your environment or by unrelated thoughts, like daydreaming at work
  • You feel restless or edgy, have difficulty turning your thoughts off, and find stress hard to handle
  • You tend to do things on the spur of the moment, without thinking, which gets you into trouble
  • Difficulty organising and managing tasks which can mean you miss important work, college or university deadlines
  • Easily distracted and make careless mistakes, particularly with tasks that do not interest you, like proof-reading a lengthy document

How does ADHD affect people?

ADHD/ADD is not an illness, but a condition. This means it may predispose individuals to suffer medical and psychiatric conditions like depression, anxiety, conduct disorder, and alcohol and substance abuse. However, a diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t necessarily mean that individuals will have negative outcomes later in life.

Positive characteristics

In fact, people with ADHD have many positive characteristics! They can succeed because of their charming attitude, endless energy and vitality, creativity, problem-solving skills and empathy. With the right support, the opportunities are endless.

Famous people with ADHD

Some famous people with ADHD include the singers Justin Timberlake and Solange Knowles, rapper, Olympic swimming sensation Michael Phelps, and Olympic gymnastics champion Louis Smith and businesswoman Paris Hilton. Disney empire founder Walt Disney and Nobel physicist Albert Einstein also had ADHD.

Common myths about ADHD

There are many myths about ADHD, some of which include:

ADHD is not a real disorder

This is a common myth that suggests that ADHD is not a real condition and that it is just an excuse for bad behaviour. However, ADHD is a recognised mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

Only children can have ADHD

Another myth is that ADHD only affects children. While it is true that ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood, it can also affect adults. See our ADHD assessment for children here.

People with ADHD can’t focus

While difficulty focusing is a hallmark symptom of ADHD, it is not the only symptom. People with ADHD can also have trouble with impulsivity, hyperactivity, organisation, and time management.

ADHD is caused by bad parenting

This is a myth that suggests that ADHD is caused by bad parenting or lack of discipline. In fact, scientific evidence shows that ADHD/Attention Deficit Disorder is a highly heritable condition, mostly a combination of certain susceptibility genes and environmental risks factors during pregnancy and early childhood, like low birth weight and prematurity.

People with ADHD are lazy or unmotivated

This is a myth that suggests that people with ADHD are lazy or unmotivated. However, ADHD can actually make it harder for people to stay motivated and on task.

Start your ADHD assessment & treatment

If you think you have ADHD, simply fill out the form above to get assessed and diagnosed.

After contacting our specialists, you’ll go through a streamlined process where a dedicated team will support you.

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