Dr. Paul Keedwell
Consultant Psychiatrist
Areas of Expertise (conditions):
Mood disorders
Adult ADHD
Career History:
I completed my psychiatry training at the Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry in London. This included specialist attachments at the Adult ADHD Clinic, the National Alcohol unit and the National Affective Disorders unit. I was a clinical researcher at the Centre of Neuroimaging Science in London and the Cardiff University Brain Imaging Centre while gaining broad experience in general adult psychiatry and leading specialist mood disorder clinics. More recently, I have completed training in the assessment of ASD at the Maudsley Hospital.
I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and a member of the College Academic Faculty.
Published papers / Media:
I have published 26 academic papers and 2 books. I have worked as a commentator on psychiatric issues on BBC News 24, More Four News, CNN, the Today program, and Radio Five. I also comment on new research findings in the National Press, in collaboration with the Science Media Centre.
I graduated in medicine at the University of Leeds, where I also achieved a first-class intercalated degree in Psychology. I became a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1998 and completed my PhD in the neurobiology of depression in 2010. I became a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2022.