Dr. Thomas MacLaren

Consultant Psychiatrist


Having qualified as a consultant in 2017, with extensive experience in general and older adult psychiatry, Dr MacLaren led the Brent Memory Service from 2018 to 2020, developing remote consultation services including an advice line for GPs (shortlisted for a Health Service Journal award) and creating new care pathways for faster diagnosis and treatment of people with dementia.

He established a clinical network linking all dementia specialist consultants across the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. During the pandemic, he led the older people’s mental health service in Brent, working to support people experiencing a wide variety of mental health problems, with both in-person and remote consultation. In June 2020, Dr MacLaren took up a consultant psychiatrist role at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, supporting their Emergency Department and wards with mental health care for adults of all ages. He has worked with the hospital to improve support for people with alcohol use problems and confusion; in addition to quality improvement work with local mental health teams and research.

Areas of Expertise (conditions or services)

  • Memory loss and dementia
  • Mental capacity assessments
  • Anxiety, depression and psychosis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex-PTSD
  • Personality disorder
  • Adult ADHD assessment


Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; Certificate of Completion of Training; Section 12 approved Mental Health Specialist; Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Imperial College London; Fellow of the Higher Education Academy; Quality Improvement Coach with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

Published papers / Media

Maclaren T, Ahmed N and Edwards S. (2021), An online forum to support consultant psychiatrists in their first five years of practice, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.1257.

Shaw E, Catherine Adams C, Maclaren T, and Brown F. (2020) PLAN standards and writing to patients: quality improvement by audit, BJPsych Open. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.589

Sanatinia R, Afzal S, Maclaren T, McNulty A, Adele C, Morah A and Crawford M, (2019), Improved mental health among LABILE study participants: A qualitative exploration: Exploring improved mental health in LABILE study. Personality and Mental Health 13: 75–83

MacLaren T, Warner J. (2016) Will the journal club survive? BJPsych Advances. Commentary On… Are Journal Clubs Useful In Teaching Psychiatry? BJPsych Advances, 22 (3) 211-212; DOI: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015479.

MacLaren T (2016), On-line module updated for the Royal College of Psychiatrists Continuing Professional Development, Quickbite: Suicide in the elderly – Read more

MacLaren T, Townell J, Shanmugham S, Argent V, De Ridder L, Venkataraman A, Clarke M, and Khwaja M. (2016) Knowledge of patients’ voting rights amongst mental health professionals working in the London Borough of Westminster during the 2015 UK general election. European Psychiatry 33: 450 [On-line] Available from DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1637.

Townell J, MacLaren T, Argent V, De Ridder L, Shanmugham S, Venkataraman A, Clarke M, and Khwaja M. (2016) Knowledge and uptake of voting rights by adults with mental illness living in supported accommodation in Westminster (London) during the 2015 UK general election. European Psychiatry 33: 453 – 454. [On-line] Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1649

Townell J, MacLaren T, De Ridder L, Shanmugham S, Argent V, Venkataraman A, Clarke M, and Khwaja M. (2016) Knowledge and uptake of voting rights by psychiatric inpatients in Westminster, London during the 2015 UK general election. European Psychiatry 33: 454. [On-line] Available from DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1650.

MacLaren T and Warner J (2015) Spotting the difference: Mental Health Issues In Older Patients. General Medical Council Viewpoints, [On-line, available from: http://www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/26099.asp]

Crawford M, MacLaren T, Reilly G. (2014) Are mood stabilizers helpful in the treatment of borderline personality disorder? British Medical Journal; 349: g5378


Dr MacLaren began his career in psychiatry at St Thomas’ Hospital and completed his training in the St Mary’s Hospital Scheme, North West London. He became a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2013 and entered the Specialist Register in 2017. He has completed a Master’s Degree in Education at Imperial College London and uses these skills to develop training in mental health to healthcare professionals, trainee Psychiatrists, volunteers and carers supporting people with mental illness.

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