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New medications for Alzheimer’s available at our private UK clinics.

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You have been invited to view this page following a discussion with our team about the SKYLINE Study at Re:Cognition Health – Birmingham Clinic.

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Submit your interest to our team of specialists

The SKYLINE Study is for cognitively healthy volunteers with no significant memory or other cognitive/thinking problems who wish to understand more about their brain health and help forward Alzheimer’s Research.

This is an opportunity to avail of state-of-the-art cognitive assessments, and assuming your assessments are normal, the opportunity to have sophisticated biomarker tests to screen for very minor changes in your brain, today, which may manifest in later life, with the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease.

As in most preventative health screening programs, over 95% of individuals who avail of these screening assessments will have completely normal results. However, the 3-5% of individuals who are found to have abnormal biomarker results, will have the chance to access a new generation medication designed to delay or ideally prevent the chance of developing symptoms of Alzheimer’s later in life.

In this late phase (phase III) trial of the medication, Gantenerumab, participants will have the option to take the study medication Gantenerumab, only if they have positive results on screening to indicate a very early abnormal build-up of amyloid plaque in the brain consistent with Alzheimer’s pathology. Gantenerumab is designed to remove this abnormal build-up of amyloid protein, at this very early stage, and reset the brain amyloid to a normal level.

To qualify for this opportunity you must be:

  • Aged 60-80
  • Have not experienced a stroke in the last year or significant head injury ever (as this may influence cognitive tests)
  • Must not be using anticoagulants [warfarin, rivaroxaban (Xarelto) dabigatran (Pradaxa) apixaban (Eliquis) edoxaban (Lixiana)]
  • Have a study partner (e.g. partner, friend, neighbor) who knows you well to feedback to our doctor on your participation at many of the visits. Particularly the first visit.

As this trial has shown to be very popular in the past, please call 0800 802 1030 to register your interest or email us at
More information can be found by following this link

Please ensure you have read this document SKYLINE Main Informationv1.1 or this summary SKYLINE Patient Summary PIS_UK_v1.0 at least 24 hours before your appointment at our below address so you can ask our doctor as many questions as you need on your appointment date. Our doctor will talk you through the document and make sure you understand everything, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us on 0800 802 1030

We will print these forms for you on the day of your appointment, so all you need to do is bring your study partner and a list of any medications you are taking, currently. Please let us know if you have had any changes to your medications, recently, as this may mean we have to delay your appointment until your medications have been stable for one month.
How many visits are needed?

There is a very small chance (3-5%) that you will be found to have elevated amyloid protein in your brain, however, if this is found to be the case, you will need to come to the center for only a few visits per year.

However, please note the initial screening assessments/visits in Birmingham include:

  • Initial screening visit (cognitive tests, physical and blood samples)
  • MRI to confirm no abnormality
  • PET scan to determine amyloid status
  • Tau scan to determine whether you have a build-up of tau protein in your brain

Whilst these appointments, and all tests, are completely free to you at every stage; the appointments and sophisticated tests are extremely expensive to perform and it is, therefore, very important to let the clinic team know, immediately, and with as much notice as possible, if you are not able to attend an appointment, for any reason.

Birmingham Clinic location:
100 Hagley Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8LT


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