

Re:Cognition Health was proud to participate in Dementia Action Week this year, with many activities to help educate and inform the public on dementia.

Dementia Action Week runs in May every year and is a national awareness campaign from the Alzheimer’s Society, designed to help people take action to improve the lives of those affected by dementia, and people around them. The theme this year was diagnosis, something we are very passionate about at Re:Cognition Health.


In the Media:

Re:Cognition Health’s CEO and Medical Director Dr Emer MacSweeney was featured extensively in the media, giving advice on dementia and sharing expert tips on how to reduce the risk. Some of the articles can be found below:
Yahoo News:
Scottish Daily Express:

Dr Tom MacLaren, Consultant Psychiatrist at Re:Cognition Health participated in “Loveday Answers”, a webinar which addressed and answered questions from the public about dementia. From medication to treat symptoms, new-generation drugs, clinical trials and the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, the webinar was informative and attracted huge interest from the public.

The webinar was chaired by Anna Dobbie, Editor of Caring Times Magazine who lead the panel of experts comprising Dr Julia Wood, Consultant in Practice Improvement and Dementia Care Consultant and Gabriela Zackova, Director of Wellbeing & Dementia at Loveday, alongside Dr MacLaren.

Loveday Answers was hosted by Loveday & Co, a dedicated operator of specialist memory care in the UK, providing residential, home care, respite and day club environments that are commensurate with the lifestyles enjoyed by its Members.

A recording can be seen on the below link:


Doctor Education Event:

Dr Emer MacSweeney presented a CPD education talk for doctors on “Alzheimer’s, How and Why it’s Important to Spot the Early Signs” and educated on how Re:Cognition Health is delivering a new paradigm.

The talk was attended by GPs who were all interested to hear about the new-generation medications being developed in clinical trials, the opportunities for their patients and the future of research into Alzheimer’s. Dr MacSweeney also informed on how the clinical trials work, the advantages, opportunities and potential benefits in participating. The talk was informative and highly engaging as well as inspiring for the doctors in attendance.

A recording of the talk can be seen on the below link:

This CPD event was held at Loveday Kensington, the newest property in Loveday’s portfolio of luxury care homes, which offers outstanding care and experiences for their residents.


Empowering and Educating:

Our team at Re:Cognition Health are passionate about raising awareness of dementia and other conditions affecting the brain and mind. We are dedicated to empowering individuals with knowledge to help change their future or the future of a loved one. We believe that an early and accurate diagnosis is essential in helping people access the very best care and treatment opportunities and also allowing individuals to plan for the future.

For further information on our brain and mind services visit:

For further information on clinical trials at Re:Cognition Health visit:

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