
Re:Cognition Health Activates New Memory Study

June 20, 2018

Dr Emer MacSweeney, CEO and Medical Director at Re:Cognition Health was interviewed by the Express on the new, final stage clinical trial for Alzheimer’s disease, which is hoped to be a game changer.

Recognised as an international leading expert in this field, Dr MacSweeney shared her excitement for the new trial.

The ORY-2001 trial, which will be commencing at all Re:Cognition Health clinics in the UK from June 2018, will investigate the neuro-degenerative condition treated with an agent which acts as a DNA repair kit to restore memory and reverse behavioural changes, such as aggression and social avoidance.

Our genes, which determine how our brain cells function, are influenced by environmental factors – ‘how we live our lives’

These factors cause certain coding components of our genes to switch on and off, with resultant damaging effects on our cognitive brain cells.

The study drug is designed to ‘reset’ our genes so they correctly control the behaviour of our cognitive brain cells, to improve memory, decrease agitation, improve social behaviour and reverse symptoms.

Dr MacSweeney commented; “This is a game-changing, novel approach which could benefit people with Alzheimer’s and any neuro-degenerative disease. Instead of working on the pathology of Alzheimer’s specifically, it is designed to repair damage to the genes that influence how nerves are going to behave.”

Clinical trials are essential for advancing our understanding of medicine. They can also improve the healthcare and quality of life for everyone affected by dementia and cognitive impairment.

By participating in an international clinical study, individuals can gain the potential personal benefit of early access to a new treatment, whilst also having an important global impact on our ability to treat a given condition.

The Re:Cognition Health Clinics in London, Surrey, Birmingham, Plymouth and Washington DC are major centres for international trials of disease-modifying and new symptomatic drugs for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions.

Re:Cognition Health is a global leader in clinical trials, with an expert team who are passionate about finding a cure for dementia.

To read the full article: click here

For further information on clinical trials at Re:Cognition Health and to check eligibility to take part in a study please contact the team on 0203 355 3536.

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