
Free Alzheimer’s Webinar Hosted by Re:Cognition Health

June 4, 2021

Free Alzheimer’s Webinar Hosted by Re:Cognition Health


Leading brain and mind clinic Re:Cognition Health is urging people to understand the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. An early diagnosis is essential  in order to have the best chance to access the right help and support.


Dr Emer MacSweeney, Consultant Neuroradiologist, CEO and Founder of Re:Cognition Health presents the latest webinar about the early signs of Alzheimer’s and how to spot them, which is available free to all to view now. In the webinar Dr MacSweeney explains how new generation Alzheimer’s treatments are designed to slow, or ideally halt, progression of the disease and its symptoms. This webinar also covers why early detection and treatment is possible with the development of new sophisticated biomarkers and how to avail of these opportunities today.


Re:Cognition Health’s Clinics in London, Guildford, Plymouth, Birmingham and Washington DC are currently enrolling members of the public into international final phase clinical trials to test new medications designed to slow down, and  ideally halt  the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.


Dr Emer MacSweeney, CEO and Medical Director of Re:Cognition Health comments:   “Just as research through clinical studies has improved our outlook for numerous diseases including recently COVID-19 and certain forms of cancer; the same action is being taken today for Alzheimer’s disease. By participating in an international clinical study, individuals can gain the potential personal benefit of early access to a new treatment, whilst also having an important global impact on our ability to treat a given condition.



To watch the free webinar on How to Spot the Early Signs of Alzheimer’s visit:



To find out more about the clinical trials available at Re:Cognition Health visit:


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