Carer's Corner

Long Covid Anxiety

January 6, 2022

Struggling with Long Covid anxiety?
Dr Tom MacLaren, Consultant Psychiatrist at Re:Cognition Health was featured in the Metro in an article exploring anxiety associated with Long Covid.


In the article Dr MacLaren explains that anxiety can have an impact on the body when recovering from an illness – being aware of your mind and body is really healthy but sometimes we get overly worried which can negatively impact the recovery.


He advises maintaining regular activities to help take the mind off anxious thoughts. Exercise, maintaining hobbies and keeping connected with loved ones, which will also provide additional support, are just some of the daily tasks that will help ease anxiety relating to illness.



Dr MacLaren explains what you can do if you’re really worried about long-Covid and it’s causing anxiety:

Shortness of breath, reduced energy or even feelings like your mind and body are slowed down are just some of the symptoms that could worsen anxiety, so it’s so important to be aware of them.  Do check the NHS main website The NHS website – NHS ( which has lots of helpful advice; call NHS 111 to speak with the NHS team or contact your GP. It’s their job to worry about these things for you, and help you get the right help!


Firstly, have a read through the advice above, then speak to people you know about how you’re feeling. They might have noticed how you’ve changed and you might even find they have help and advice if they have similar feelings. Keep a record of what you have noticed, as long-Covid is still being studied closely by scientists and it affects people differently. You can start to link what symptoms of long-Covid are causing your anxiety or making it worse. There are a number of great (free!) apps to help boost your wellbeing NHS England » Wellbeing apps. The Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust have made a great range of self-help books, including on anxiety Anxiety.pdf ( If you find that your anxiety is still bad, or getting worse after trying some of these things, please speak to a doctor or nurse at your local GP Surgery. Always remember that you can call 999 or visit your local A&E if your anxiety gets suddenly very bad and you can’t cope, or you have suicidal thoughts. Sadly, this does happen to some people and it’s important to note that you are not alone and there is help and support available.



To read the full article on Long Covid anxiety visit:

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