
Medical Cannabis Service Launch

May 5, 2021

Re:Cognition Health launches national Medical Cannabis Service


Re:Cognition Health is delighted to launch its national Medical Cannabis Service, designed to help alleviate persistent pain and other symptoms related to physical, neurological and psychiatric conditions.


The service is lead by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Dimitrios Pascho and Dr Steve Allder, Consultant Neurologist who oversee a multi-disciplinary team of experts working collaboratively to diagnoses, treat and manage a plethora of conditions affecting the brain and mind.


What conditions can medical cannabis treat? 

Medical cannabis may be effective in managing the symptoms of many conditions including  post-traumatic stress, chronic sleep disturbance, anxiety, hyperactivity / agitation. It has been used with some success in pain management ranging from migraine, chronic pain, back pain, arthritis, pain due to muscular spasms and fibromyalgia. It is known to be effective in reducing some side effects from cancer chemotherapy. Neurological conditions can also potentially benefit from medical cannabis, helping with some symptoms associated in chronic fatigue, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy and motor neurone disease.


Medical Cannabis Assessments 

Consultations are conducted by secure video; the doctor will undertake a comprehensive  health assessment of your current condition and medical history to ensure your clinical suitability for medical cannabis. Your prescribed  medical cannabis  treatment will be delivered to your address via our courier service.


Eligibility for Medical Cannabis

Medical cannabis is a legal, unlicensed  medication, which can be prescribed by specialist licenses doctors only. It cannot be prescribed by a general practitioner (GP).  UK law requires individuals  to have tried at least two other licensed medications, which have  not been successful in managing your condition, prior to being considered for treatment with medical cannabis.


The Medical Cannabis Service at Re:Cognition Health is accessible to adults over the age of 18 years living in Great Britain.



Dr Emer MacSweeney, Medical Director at Re:Cognition Health comments, “We are very proud to launch the Medical Cannabis Clinic to offer patients new treatment options for pain, neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Our highly experienced team are passionate about offering the very best treatment options to enhance and optimise health and wellbeing.”


Dr Dimitrios Paschos add, “Living with pain can be debilitating, compromising the quality of life for the individuals as well as impacting on loved ones. The new Medical Cannabis Service at Re:Cognition Health aims to provide a new treatment pathway, overseen and closely monitored by our  expert team, to help individuals reclaim their quality of life.”



Re:Cognition Health is registered with CQC and also manages medications under MHRA guidelines.


For further on the Medical Cannabis Service visit: https://medicalcannabisservice.com/

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