Neurology Clinics

Our brains are the key to who we are

Our private neurology clinic provides bespoke diagnostic assessments and treatment plans to help you manage and optimise your mental health

The first step to arranging an appointment at our clinic is to contact our team of patient coordinators. You’ll need to provide a referral letter from your GP or other healthcare professional. That way we can make sure that you see a specialist with the relevant expertise.

Call now: 020 3355 3536

What is neurology?

Neurology is a type of medicine that deals with ‘neurological conditions’, disorders of the nervous system. Neurological conditions include: Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, migraines, and cerebral palsy.

Common symptoms of cognitive impairment

As our ‘thinking ability’ helps us to function in daily life, it’s important to understand the symptoms that could be a sign of something more concerning. If you experience any of the following mental health symptoms, you may benefit from our expertise:

  • Delay in reaching developmental milestones
  • Difficulty planning, achieving targets, and prioritising deadlines
  • Short attention span
  • Repeatedly asking the same question
  • Depression, anger, anxiety, and agitation
  • Challenging and altered behavior
  • Confusion in new situations or places
  • Trouble remembering recent or past events
  • Losing your way in a familiar environment
  • Difficulties with language and calculations

Often there is no obvious medical explanation for the symptoms

Conditions affecting our brain health, at any stage in life, from childhood to retirement can affect our mood, behavior, and emotions. In cases where there is no obvious medical explanation for symptoms, understanding how the mind and body work closely together is important. This relationship is key as it’s required to explain how our thoughts, feelings, and factors such as stress can result in physical and mental symptoms. If you are experiencing any neurological symptoms and have not been provided with a diagnosis, you may benefit from a neurological assessment.

Treatments to help you live well

We recognise that no two individuals are the same. That’s why our treatments plans are bespoke and tailored to your needs. With access to a multi-disciplinary team of experts, we ensure that you can access specialist support from other mental health experts if your treatment plan recommends this.

Treatments may include medications or non-drug interventions, such as talking therapy or simple life-style changes. We also provide access to new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment as part of pioneering clinical trials.

Accessing care in our leading Neurology Clinic in the Harley Street Medical Area

The first step to arranging an appointment at our clinic is to contact our team of patient coordinators. You’ll need to provide a referral letter from your GP or other healthcare professional. That way we can make sure that you see a specialist with the relevant expertise.

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