Elderly Care

Parkinson’s Disease and Exercise

February 2, 2021

We all know that  exercise is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Importantly, research has shown that exercise can provide a significant improvement in motor symptoms for those with  Parkinson’s disease (PD) and it’s never too late to start!

How is exercise beneficial?

Exercise is renowned for reducing levels of depression, stress and anxiety; it  also reduces stiffness and improves mobility, balance and gait –  these are all symptoms frequently experienced by individuals with  PD. Moreover, improving mobility has been shown to slow disease progression as it decreases the risk of falling,  which leads to further complications.

Studies on mice exposed to conditions simulating  a human exercising demonstrated the ability for the mouse brain to use dopamine more efficiently. It has also been suggested that exercise prevents dopamine neurons becoming damaged.

Certain exercises aid specific motor symptoms, these include:

  • Tai chi and yoga, which are especially good for balance. For limited mobility, seated aerobic exercises such as toe taps, heel-to-toe, leg marching and arm swing help with balance.
  • Dancing and boxing help with coordination and agility.
  • Parkinson’s-specific physical therapy programmes which often include amplitude training, reciprocal patterns and strength training are beneficial for fall prevention strategies.
  • Finally, lower impact exercises such as water aerobics are extremely help with symptoms of dystonia.

To find out more about the clinical trials currently available at Re:Cognition Health, including studies for Parkinson’s please contact:


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