
Proactive Measures To Protect Against Dementia

June 18, 2021

Dr Emer MacSweeney was featured in the Daily Mail, exploring some of the proactive measures we can take to help protect against dementia. At Re:Cognition Health, we are passionate about adopting  preventative lifestyle  changes that could reduce the risk of developing dementia. We believe prevention is better than cure and the earlier we start employing lifestyle changes, the better the chances for maintaining a healthy brain and  body. From exercise and regular health checks such as eyes, hearing and dental, to following a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep and cognitive training; there are many easy, positive changes we can adapt to make a difference.


At Re:Cognition Health we are also strong advocates for an accurate and early diagnosis for the cause of memory loss and other cognitive symptoms, to ensure the best possible care and the opportunity to access new-generation medications,  through clinical trials. Today, there are many exciting developments in Alzheimer’s research, including the recent FDA approval of Aducanumab, the first disease modifying treatment to help slow down the progression of the disease. Whilst this approval is currently only in the USA, there are many other similar and related very promising medications in the pipeline,  which are available for the public to access right now in the UK  through international clinical trials. We are so proud to be part of this programme.


Read the full article:




If you are worried you or someone you know may have the early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease or you want to understand more about these new generation medications such as aducanumab, watch this free webinar How to Spot the Early Signs of Alzheimer’s:


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