
Signs Of Memory Loss

February 5, 2024

Common signs of memory loss that could indicate you, a friend or a loved are experiencing memory problems

Often it’s difficult to know whether or not memory issues are ‘normal’ or a sign of something more concerning, like mild cognitive impairment.
Regularly forgetting keys, the reason for going into a room, or having to read something over again, are all signs of being ‘absent-minded’. Research suggests that such characteristics are strongly linked to symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress.

Like many other conditions, prevention is better than cure and the earlier you start employing lifestyle changes, the better for your brain. Learn more about a new prevention study

If you, or someone you know, answer yes to any of the following examples, we’d recommend getting in touch by clicking the blue button below

  • Asking the same question several times a day
  • Unknowingly telling the same story or anecdote
  • Forgetting details of conversations and recent events
  • Losing your way in familiar environments
  • Trouble remembering appointments

Dr Emer MacSweeney talks signs of memory loss


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