
World Mental Health Day

October 12, 2023

To mark World Mental Health Day we thought it would be opportune to shed light on
the mental health challenges associated with Long COVID. Also known as post-
acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), it is a condition in which
individuals experience persistent and often debilitating symptoms after recovering
from the acute phase of the virus.

“Brain fog” is a common symptom reported by our patients with Long
COVID: cognitive impairment characterized by difficulties with concentration,
memory, and mental clarity. It affects a person’s ability to think clearly, make
decisions and perform everyday tasks. It can lead to increased frustration and
anxiety, as patients struggle to maintain their pre-COVID levels of cognitive
functioning. They may feel a sense of helplessness and loss of control which can, in
turn, contribute to anxiety, low self-esteem and depression.

Brain fog can make it challenging for individuals to perform their job responsibilities,
engage in social activities, or even handle personal tasks efficiently. Patients with the
condition also experience symptoms like fatigue and chronic pain, furthering a sense
of inadequacy and isolation. The invisible nature of their condition can lead to
misunderstanding and stigma.

The impact can be widespread, the loss of employment associated with long COVID
can create financial stress for their families. Long COVID can strain relationships as
individuals may not be able to fulfil their previous roles within families and

On the positive side, many of our patients with long COVID demonstrate remarkable
resilience and adaptability in the face of ongoing challenges. And new diagnostics
and treatments are starting to show promise. At Re:Cognition Health we are working
with innovative diagnostic provider Attomarker to identify antibody immunity
vulnerabilities or “gaps” in our Long COVID patients which enables us to identify
therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies and anti-virals to target those gaps.
World Mental Health Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the
mental health challenges of long COVID. Through increased awareness, we
can reduce stigma and ensure that individuals with Long COVID receive the support
they need. It is essential for healthcare professionals, policymakers and society as a
whole to acknowledge and address the challenges, offering long haulers the support
and understanding they need as they navigate the uncertainties and difficulties
associated with this condition.

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