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  • The Potential of Ozempic in Treating Alzheimer’s and Depression: A Promising Horizon

    July 18, 2024

    Dr Steve Allder, Consultant Neurologist

    Medications such as Ozempic and Wegovy, both of which contain Semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor, were originally designed to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity, however, their potential […]

  • Building Cognitive Resilience: Strategies to Mitigate Brain Decline and Enhance Mental Health

    July 3, 2024

    Dr Emer MacSweeney

    Dr Emer MacSweeney, CEO, Founder and Consultant Neuroradiologist at Re:Cognition Health was featured in the Times newspaper giving her insight on various strategies for building a “cognitive […]

  • Understanding Concussions: Risks, Symptoms, and Recovery

    July 3, 2024

    Dr Steve Allder

    Consultant Neurologist Dr Steve Allder was interviewed by the Telegraph for a feature about concussion and the long-term risks for people over 60. Below he shares an […]

  • Mastering Exam Stress: Expert Tips For Building Resilience And Confidence By Dr. Tom MacLaren

    June 17, 2024

    Exams can be a significant source of stress and anxiety for students at any level of education. However, with the right strategies, you can navigate these challenges […]

  • Medication For ADHD Linked To Lower Mortality Rates

    March 25, 2024

    Medication for ADHD Linked to Lower Mortality Rates Dr Tom MacLaren speaks with Healthline about the results A recent study conducted in Sweden has highlighted the potential […]

  • Embracing Joy: Tips For A Happier Life By Dr Tom MacLaren

    March 19, 2024

    In celebration of the International Day of Happiness, its essential to reflect on what brings joy and fulfillment into our lives. Happiness is not a destination but […]

  • New Groundbreaking Blood Tests To Predict The Risk Of Alzheimer’s

    March 12, 2024

    A recent article on the Independent explores the potential for a groundbreaking blood test that could predict the risk of developing dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s disease, up to […]

  • Clinical Trials Offer Hope For Early Diagnosis

    February 27, 2024

    In the relentless fight against Alzheimer’s, Re:Cognition Health spearheads groundbreaking clinical trials to help reshape the landscape of early-stage diagnosis and treatment. Re:Cognition Health has achieved unparalleled […]

  • The importance of self-esteem

    February 22, 2024

    February is Boost Self-Esteem Month which is dedicated to helping people build on their self-confidence and belief in themselves. “Boosting self-esteem is a gradual process that involves […]

  • Substance Abuse Information And Symptoms

    February 5, 2024

    What is Substance Abuse? Substance abuse refers to the abnormal or excessive consumption of dangerous psychoactive substances, including alcohol and drugs. Psychoactive substances, also known as psychopharmaceutical […]

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