
Download Your Free Migraine Diary 

September 6, 2019

A user friendly guide to tracking migraine symptoms to help achieve a fast and accurate diagnosis

The Brain and Mind experts at Re:Cognition Health have developed a comprehensive, easy to use migraine diary to help record symptoms in an easy format.  Simply download the weekly diary and make detailed notes to discuss with your doctor at your next appointment. Knowledge is power in treating any given condition; the more information you have, the sooner you will be treated.

Download the free Re:Cognition Health Migraine Diary here.

Why should I keep a migraine diary?

Keeping track of your migraine symptoms over a 2-3 month period can be hugely beneficial in tracking patterns leading up to migraine episodes. These patterns may hold the key to highlighting triggers and warning signs to empower individuals to make lifestyle changes. It can also provide the vital information to doctors to help them deliver a fast and accurate diagnosis.


What should I record in my migraine diary?

  • Diet, sugar intake, possible allergies, sleep duration, exercise levels and intensity rate, weather conditions (hot, cold, humidity) and hydration can all play a huge role in the onset of a migraine so it is advisable to record as much detail as possible to discuss with your GP.
  • Any symptoms leading up to a migraine, as well as symptoms experience of the migraine are important to record including detail such as aura, any sickness or vomiting, sensitivity to noise, light sensitivity, restricted or blurry vision and ability to perform tasks such as working or walking.
  • Meal times and skipping meals can also trigger migraines due to the rise and fall of blood sugar levels so it is advisable to include this level of detail.
  • Recording the location of pain e.g.  forehead, temples, back of the neck is also important and will assist your medical practitioner in making the diagnosis and curating the treatment plan.
  • Recording medication is also extremely important, taking particular note of the type of medication, amount taken, timing and effectiveness.
  • The more detail you have on your migraines, the sooner you will receive a firm diagnosis and an effective treatment plan to either prevent or manage them.
  • It is also important to speak to family members who have suffered with migraines to understand what their symptoms were and what medication and coping strategies were employed to help manage them. Up to 90% of migraines are thought to be genetic so any family history is very important information to have.

Download the free Re:Cognition Health Migraine Diary here.

For tips on managing your migraine, by leading Consultant Neurologist Dr Steve Allder, visit: https://recognitionhealth.com/need-help-in-managing-your-migraines/

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