
Emer Fox5 News

August 11, 2022

Dr Emer MacSweeney, CEO, Medical Director and Consultant Neuroradiologist at Re:Cognition Health appeared on Fox5 News, USA,  talking about the exciting and important opportunity provided through clinical trials. These studies provide an opportunity for individuals with short-term memory loss causing Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and mild symptoms of dementia, due to Alzheimer’s Disease, to gain early access to new generation medications.

Dr MacSweeney explained that Re:Cognition Health’s center in Fairfax, Virginia is now enrolling volunteers to join studies for these new generation medications which are designed to slow, or ideally stop, the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and its symptoms.  The National Institute on Ageing (NIA) of the NIH is supporting some of these studies, in the USA, as this opportunity is so important for individuals with memory and related cognitive symptoms. 

Re:Cognition Health also has several Centres in the UK enrolling individuals on to some of the same studies as the company’s USA Center. This is in addition to other studies, available only in Re:Cognition Health’s UK centres, located in London, Birmingham, Plymouth, Winchester, Guildford and Bristol. 

The studies at Re:Cognition Health’s  UK centres are enrolling individuals  aged 50-90 years who are experiencing short-term memory loss as well as other early Alzheimer’s symptoms, which can include problems with their thinking ability including decision making, language, calculation ability and planning and also changes in behaviour.

The medication in some studies in the UK, are provided by a tablet and others subcutaneous injections or intravenous infusions; the medications are designed to get into the brain, where they stop the abnormal toxic amyloid or  tau proteins from relentlessly destroying cognitive brain cells. 

If an individual is not eligible for this particular study, there are many other studies for short term memory loss and related cognitive symptoms currently available at our Re:Cognition Health UK Centres. 

The Benefits of Clinical Trials:

  • Accurate diagnosis with the most advanced diagnostic biomarker assessments. 
  • The chance to gain early access to new generation medications designed to slow or ideally halt progression symptoms. 
  • Opportunity to take control of your health & future
  • Regular health monitoring by Re:Cognition Health’s Brain and Mind Experts experts 
  • Free to participate and travel expenses reimbursed
  • Contributing to vital research to help yourself and ultimately your children and their children.

Registering for a clinical trial at Re:Cognition Health is easy. Simply contact our friendly team for more information: https://www.brainandmindexperts.com/.  

020 3808 5439

Watch the interview with Dr Emer MacSweeney and Fox5 News:


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