
International Clinical Trials Day

May 20, 2021

Today marks International Clinical Trials Day which commemorates the anniversary of the first clinical trial, conducted by James Lind in 1747, testing the efficacy of citrus fruit for the  treatment of  scurvy. Fast forward 274 years and millions of clinical trials have taken place, globally, testing and comparing medical treatments, drugs, surgical instruments, mental health therapies, medical equipment and much more.


Development of successful Covid19 vaccines, in less than 18months, is arguably one of the most spectacular results of  clinical trials, since 1747, leading to effective  prevention of a new global disease.

In 2018, WHO recognised Alzheimer’s Disease as a global Pandemic; the only other global pandemic, currently.


Re:Cognition Health is a world-leading centre enrolling volunteers on to clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions. Our team id dedicated to changing the future for those with memory loss and other symptoms of cognitive impairment through providing education, clinical excellence and access to the most advanced treatments available, worldwide.


Every day Re:Cognition Health’s Brain and Mind Experts at its clinics in London, Guildford, Plymouth and Birmingham enrol members of the public into international, final phase, clinical trials to test new medications designed to  slow down, or ideally halt,  the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

The progressive cognitive and behavioural symptoms experienced in AD are the result of the gradual death of key brain cells caused by the underlying disease process.


Today there are no drugs on the market to slow down the death of these key brain cells and thereby slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and its symptoms.  Current  licensed treatments for AD help to temporarily boost memory and other cognitive symptoms,  by enabling the dying brain cells to function more efficiently, for a limited period of time. However, the new generation treatments available, only through Clinical Trials are designed to treat the underlying cause of AD and thereby to prevent these key brain cells from dying in the first place.


With each of these new studies  we understand more about the disease and become closer to finding treatments, to  slow down the progression of AD and ultimately prevent onset of symptoms.


By participating in an international clinical study, today, individuals with early symptoms of AD can gain early access to these new generation treatments.


With the introduction of new biomarkers to detect evidence of Alzheimer’s disease at its earliest stage, there is reason for cautious optimism that new generation medications will delay both onset and progression of disease and also boost cognition. Just as research through clinical studies has improved our outlook for numerous diseases including Coronavirus and certain forms of cancer; the same action is being taken today for Alzheimer’s disease.


The Benefits of Clinical Trials:

  • Rapid and accurate diagnosis with the most advanced diagnostic tools, available globally.
  • The chance to gain early access to a new generation medication designed to SLOW/STOP disease progression
  • The opportunity to take control of your health & future
  • Regular monitoring of your general and cognitive health
  • Participation is free with travel expenses reimbursed
  • A chance to contribute to vital research to help you and  future generations of your family.



Advances in Alzheimer’s research are being made constantly and Re:Cognition Health is proud to be part of this, with recent developments including:





For further information on the clinical trials opportunities at Re:Cognition Health contact our team on freephone 0800 802 1030


Or visit https://recognitionhealth.com/clinical-trials-at-recognition-health/


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