
Recognition Health at the Alzheimer’s Show

June 11, 2019

Thank you to everyone who came to see Re:Cognition Health at the Alzheimer’s Show on the weekend- what an insightful show it was! Our team thoroughly enjoyed meeting visitors and sharing the latest news, developments and opportunities into Alzheimer’s research.


Re:Cognition Health CEO and Consultant Neuroradiologist Dr Emer MacSweeney was honoured to be on the expert panel for Question Time, answering questions from the audience alongside other leading professionals. Key questions surrounding medication, the importance of a correct and accurate diagnosis (and the implications of a missed or incorrect diagnosis), mental health with Alzheimer’s disease and clinical trials were of particular interest to carers, relatives and other industry professionals.


Dr MacSweeney was delighted to give a talk to visitors titled “Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease has to be the way forward.”


The causes of Alzheimer’s disease, the most current cause of dementia, were discussed as well as how current treatments work and why they stop working over a period of time. Dr MacSweeney spoke about the advances in diagnosis with biomarkers and the important role this will play in both diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s disease both now and in the future.


Re:Cognition Health is a world-leading centre for final phase international clinical trials for Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Re:Cognition Health’s clinics, based in the UK and USA are spearheading new treatments designed to slow down the progression of memory impairment. Dr MacSweeney highlighted that existing medications, currently available, can only mask the symptoms, whilst the condition is still progressing in the brain at an ever accelerating pace. The new medications are designed to keep the brain cells alive and healthy and halt the progression of the disease, rather than just focused on helping the dying brain cells to work better.

The Benefits Of Clinical Trials


Dr MacSweeney highlighted the benefits that clinical trials offer individuals. Any new medication launched must go through clinical trials in order to be approved and available on the market to treat and cure specific conditions or diseases. Treatments for diseases such as cancer, HIV, stroke and heart disease have all been subject to the trials and huge advancements have been made in these fields due to the investment in research.


Alzheimer’s disease is currently incurable and figures are reaching epidemic proportions on a global basis. Dementia currently costs the UK £26 billion per year to treat, with this figure set to double in the next 25 years, if new treatments are not developed. Clinical trials into Alzheimer’s research are imperative in order to develop new strategies for diagnosing, treating and ultimately finding a cure for the disease. The expert team at Re:Cognition Health are determined to work towards a world without dementia through the implementation of these much needed clinical studies.


Dr MacSweeney explained that becoming involved in a clinical trial offers individuals the potential personal benefit of early access to a new treatment, which would not otherwise be available on the market for at least another 4-5 years.


The best care from Re:Cognition Health


Regarding the healthcare that is provided in line with Alzheimer’s clinical trials, Dr MacSweeney confirmed that volunteers receive an accurate diagnosis using the most advanced diagnostic tools as well as the very best medical care including comprehensive health screens, MRI scans and PET scans. All participants are monitored regularly throughout the study by a highly-skilled team of cognitive experts, all free of charge, to the participant. Medical costs are covered by the pharmaceutical company, including a contribution to travel costs to appointments. Individuals also have the personal privilege of contributing to research, being part of the search for treatments and a cure for this disease.


Studies at Re:Cognition Health in 2019 include new generation treatments for:

    1. — Alzheimer’s disease
      — Frontotemporal Dementia (FTO)
      — Lewy Body disease
      — Cerebrovascular disease
      — Parkinson’s disease
      — Mild cognitive impairment

Thanks again for everyone who attended the talks at the Alzheimer’s Show. If you require any further information on any of the studies launching at Re:Cognition Health, please visit https://recognitionhealth.com/our-services/clinical-trials/

Or call our study specialists: 020 33 55 3536

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