
Thinking Autism – New Research Updates

June 25, 2019

Thinking Autism have published, in their latest research post, information about new clinical research currently being conducted on autism.

Thinking Autism is a charitable organisation focused on enhancing the quality of life for individuals with autism, by providing information and resources, bringing the community together and sharing research, clinical outcomes and patient stories.

The latest research update on Thinking Autism includes the new clinical trial, “V1ADUCT” enrolling, currently at Re:Cognition Health for adults, aged 18 and over, with a diagnosis of autism.

We recognise that neurodiversity provides many fantastic benefits as proven by the numerous skills and attributes evidenced by individuals living hugely successful lives with autism. Adults with autism see, feel and hear the world in a unique way and this is something which nobody would ever want to change. However, sometimes adults with autism can find certain social situations challenging, and whilst some individuals are content and very adept at managing these situations, others struggle and seek help and support.

The V1ADUCT study provides an opportunity to gain early access to Balovaptan, an oral vasopressin 1a receptor agonist, which is designed to help manage social and communication challenges such as socialisation, stress, anxiety or aggression. The clinical trial will determine whether Balovaptan can block a hormone receptor in the brain, which is responsible for some of these symptoms, in adults with autism.

There are many advantages to taking part in clinical studies:

• Participants have the opportunity to gain access to new treatments before they are available on the market
• Regular monitoring by an industry-leading team of medical professionals
• Contributing to research and helping improve the quality of lives for other people
• There are no costs associated with being involved in a clinical study, travel costs are reimbursed


Clinical trials are essential for advancing research and developing new treatments and we are proud to be spearheading new international, late stage studies to help improve symptoms and the quality of life for those who may be struggling or experiencing difficulties.

The National Institute for Clinical Research has released statistics that over 870,000 people participated in health and social care research over the last year in England, demonstrating that people are eager to benefit from potential new treatments as well as contribute to important research.

To read the article and to find out about other research opportunities, please visit:


For further information about the clinical trials at Re:Cognition Health please visit: https://recognitionhealth.com/autism-clinical-trials-for-adults/

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