Carer's Corner

Daily Mail Features Clinical Trial Volunteer

January 6, 2020

Re:Cognition Clinical Trial Volunteer featured in the Daily Mail

There have been so many exciting and hugely successful scientific advances in the past decade; including our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and research into new treatments to halt the progression of this disease and prevent onset of dementia. 

On New Year’s Eve, the Daily Mail reflected on some of the new, game-changing treatments discovered within the last 10 years including, cancer therapies, treatment for stroke, and revolutionary new treatments using genomics, artificial intelligence and wearable technology. It has been an amazing decade for medical discovery!

The Daily Mail interview includes a volunteer who participated in a clinical trial at Re:Cognition Health for a  new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Mr Leslie Smith, a 67 year old engineer, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease two years ago and joined the ENGAGE clinical study at Re:Cognition Health for  a new drug called Aducanumab which is designed to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s. Mr Smith was treated with the drug for two years, which involved monthly visits to our London Centre for this new treatment and regular medical and cognitive monitoring. All aspects of treatment, monitoring and travel expenses were provided, free of charge to Mr Smith as a participant in the study. 

Dr Emer MacSweeney, Consultant Neuradiologist and medical director at Re:Cognition Health comments, “There are some really exciting trials happening at the moment for Alzheimer’s disease, evidenced through the journey of Mr Smith with the ENGAGE study. Whilst the last decade has been very progressive and successful for the discovery of new medications and treatments, we are poised for the next decade to be even more successful, especially with research into Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia.”

“Currently at Re:Cognition Health we have  several trials including LUCIDITY, which treats people with  a drug which dissolves abnormal tau protein , which is found in abnormally high levels in the brains of  people with Alzheimer’s Disease. Another is the GAIN study where the drug destroys the toxins produced from a common gum bacteria, which over years gets into the brain and is thought to be a cause of Alzheimer’s. The toxins produced by the bacteria destroy the cognitive brain cells and the new drug is designed to block the deleterious effect of the toxin on the healthy cognitive brain cells. With every trial conducted, we come closer to unlocking a future without dementia.”

You can read more about Mr Smith’s story hereFor further information on the clinical trials available at Re:Cognition Health, please contact our friendly team.




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