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  • IS ADHD Over-Diagnosed in Children and Adolescents?

    June 10, 2021

    IS ADHD Over-Diagnosed in Children and Adolescents?   A recent study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)  Network has revealed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity […]

  • Aducanumab, what this means for the UK

    June 8, 2021

    Aducanumab, what this means for the UK        On Monday 7th June 2021 the USA approved the first medication, ever, to combat the underlying cause of Alzheimer’s Disease. Aducanumab, […]

  • Aducanumab receives FDA Approval

    June 8, 2021

    First Alzheimer’s treatment to slow disease progression receives FDA approval on 07 June 2021   Aducanumab, the first disease modifying treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, which was tested […]

  • Free Alzheimer’s Webinar Hosted by Re:Cognition Health

    June 4, 2021

    Free Alzheimer’s Webinar Hosted by Re:Cognition Health   Leading brain and mind clinic Re:Cognition Health is urging people to understand the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. An […]

  • Understanding the Early Symptoms of MCI and Alzheimer’s Disease 

    June 4, 2021

    Understanding the Early Symptoms of MCI and Alzheimer’s Disease    Do you recognise  10 early symptoms of cognitive impairment which may lead to dementia? Most people think […]

  • Dr MacSweeney named in ScaleUp Female Founders Index

    May 24, 2021

      Re:Cognition Health is delighted to announce that CEO and Founder Dr Emer MacSweeney was named in the ScaleUp Female Founders Index 2021. The list honours UK […]

  • International Clinical Trials Day

    May 20, 2021

    Today marks International Clinical Trials Day which commemorates the anniversary of the first clinical trial, conducted by James Lind in 1747, testing the efficacy of citrus fruit […]

  • Medical Cannabis Service Launch

    May 5, 2021

    Re:Cognition Health launches national Medical Cannabis Service   Re:Cognition Health is delighted to launch its national Medical Cannabis Service, designed to help alleviate persistent pain and other symptoms related to physical, […]

  • Dr Paschos Discusses Medical Cannabis

    April 30, 2021

    Dr Paschos Discusses Medical Cannabis   Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Dimitrios Paschos speaks with National World about the use of medicinal cannabis in the UK, which explores the […]

  • Neuroimaging in 2021

    April 13, 2021

    Neuroimaging in 2021 – Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) – Unlocking the complexities: Webinar for  The Brain Injury Group   Dr Emer MacSweeney, Medical Director and Consultant […]

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